Политология - Bakalár (Bc.) - full-time

Требования к поступающим:

Наличие среднего образования является основным требованием к поступающим.

Информация об учебной программе:

Выпускники будут обладать теоретическими знаниями в специальных дисциплинах политологии. Они будут обладать знаниями в области сравнительной политологии, политической социологии, истории политических теорий и современных тенденций в политическом мышлении, регулировании общества, принципах функционирования регионов по отношению к своей стране, а также зарубежным странам. Так как они будут владеть иностранным языком на пороговом уровне, то смогут работать в различных сферах, например, в сфере государственного и регионального управления, ассоциациях, средствах массовой информации и международных организациях. Выпускники будут подготовлены к независимой работе творческими и эффективными методами, а также смогут управлять развитием общества. Они будут обладать навыками разработки и предложения вариантов решения различных ситуаций, а также поддерживать связь с национальными и зарубежными партнерами. Выпускники также смогут работать в должности политического советника в сфере научных исследований, политики и журналистики. Для новых типов регионов, сформированных в 2001-ом году, требуются новые выпускники, обучавшиеся по программе политологии, которые будут способны развивать сотрудничество регионов и институтов Европейского Союза. Выпускники, обучавшиеся по данной программе, будут иметь хорошую языковую подготовку. Выпускники также смогут работать в государственных учреждениях, в сфере государственного и регионального управления (на государственном, словацком, региональном и местном уровнях), а также в неправительственных организациях.

First year of study

Winter TermSummer Term
Compulsorily Courses  
1Introduction to Political Science Theory2/1x  4Department of Political Science
2Introduction to Sociology2/2x  5Department of Political Science
3History of Political Science Thought I2/2x  5Department of Political Science
4Slovak History I2/1x  4Department of Political Science
5Professional English I 10/4x  4Department of Social Science and Arts
6Political System of Slovakia  2/1x4Department of Political Science
7Theory of Sociology  2/2x5Department of Political Science
8History of Political Science Thought II  2/2x5Department of Political Science
9Slovak History II  2/1x4Department of Political Science
10Professional English II 1  0/4x4Department of Political Science
Compulsorily Optional Courses
1Seminar to Study of Political Science0/2x  3Department of Political Science
2Rhetoric0/2x  3Department of Political Science
3Basic of Diplomacy0/2x  3Department of Political Science
4Creation of Nations and National States0/2x  3Department of Political Science
5Diplomatic Protocol  0/2x3Department of Political Science
6History of Economic Theories  0/2x3Department of Political Science
7History of Law  0/2x3Department of Political Science
8History of Slovak Public Policy  0/2x3Department of Political Science
Optional Courses
1Writing on Politics 1 10/2x  2Department of Political Science
2Colloquia of Actual  Trends0/2x  2Department of Political Science
3Foreign Language 2 (ES, DE, RU) 30/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
4Foreign Language 3 (ES, DE, RU) 30/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
5Writing on Politics 2 1  0/2x2Department of Political Science
6Colloquia of Actual  Trends 2  0/2x2Department of Political Science
7Technics of Presentation  0/2x2Department of Political Science
8Foreign Language 2 (ES, DE, RU) 3  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
9Foreign Language 3 (ES, DE, RU) 3  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts

Student chooses at least two compulsorily optional courses per semester.Students usually choose one optional course per semester. In the case of getting enough credits for compulsorily optional courses, students choose only as many courses as they need to continue or finish their studies.

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

2 Lectured in English

Lectured in Spanish, Russian, German

Second year of study

Winter TermSummer Term
Compulsorily Courses
11History of Political Science Thought III 12/2x5Department of Political Science
12Introduction to European Politics 12/2x5Department of Political Science
13History of International Relations 12/0x3Department of Political Science
14Theory of Political Parties 12/2x5Department of Political Science
15Professional English III0/4x4Department of Social Science and Arts
16Methods of Writing of Professional Text 10/2x3Department of Political Science
17Elections and Electoral Systems 12/0x3Department of Political Science
18Comparative Politics I (UK, US, FR, DE)2/0x3Department of Political Science
19History and Structure of European Integration 12/2x4Department of Political Science
20History of Political Science Thought II2/2x5Department of Political Science
21Professional English IV0/4x4Department of Social Science and Arts
Compulsorily optional courses
9Modern Political Revolution 10/2x3Department of Political Science
10Economic Theories 10/2x3Department of Political Science
11Theory of State and Law 10/2x3Department of Political Science
12Crisis management 10/2x3Department of Political Science
13Minority in Politics 10/2x3Department of Political Science
14Political and Social Ethics 10/2x3Department of Political Science
15Political Communication 10/2x3Department of Political Science
16Human and Civil Rights 10/2x3Department of Political Science
Optional courses
10Writing on Politics 3 10/2x2Department of Political Science
11Colloquia of Actual Trends 3 10/2x2Department of Political Science
12Foreign Language 2 (ES, DE, RU) 30/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
13Foreign Language 3 (ES, DE, RU) 30/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
14Writing on Politics 4 10/2x2Department of Political Science
15Colloquia of Actual Trends 4 10/2x2Department of Political Science
16Foreign Language 2 (ES, DE, RU) 30/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
17Foreign Language 3 (ES, DE, RU) 30/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts

Student chooses at least two compulsorily optional courses per semester.Students usually choose one optional course per semester. In the case of getting enough credits for compulsorily optional courses, students choose only as many courses as they need to continue or finish their studies.

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

2 Lectured in English

Lectured in Spanish, Russian, German

Third year of study

Winter TermSummer Term
Compulsorily courses  
22Comparative Politics II (NL, ES, CH, IT)2/0x  3Department of Political Science
23International Political Relations2/2x  5Department of Political Science
24Methods of Empirical Research2/2x  5Department of Political Science
25Seminar to Bachelor Thesis0/2x  3Department of Political Science
26Politics of Central and East European Countries2/1x  4Department of Political Science
27International Organizations  2/0x3Department of Political Science
28Political Systems of EU  2/2x5Department of Political Science
29Bachelor Thesis  0/2x4Department of Political Science
Compulsorily optional courses
17Political Geography 20/2x  3Department of Political Science
18Political Systems of Nordic Countries 20/2x  3Department of Political Science
19Current Issues of Slovak Politics 20/2x  3Department of Political Science
20Protocolo Social 30/2x  3Department of Political Science
21Current World Politics 1  0/2x3Department of Political Science
22Political Systems of Latin America 2  0/2x3Department of Political Science
23Mass Media and Politics 2  0/2x3Department of Political Science
24Análisis del Discurso 3  0/2x3Department of Political Science
Optional courses
18Music and  Politics0/2x  2Department of Political Science
19Praxis I40x  2Department of Political Science
20Foreign Language 2 (ES, DE, RU) 30/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
21Foreign Language 3 (ES, DE, RU) 30/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
22Movies and Politics  0/2x2Department of Political Science
23Praxis II  40x2Department of Political Science
24Foreign Language 2 (ES, DE, RU) 3  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
25Foreign Language 3 (ES, DE, RU) 3  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
State exam courses
 Bachelor Thesis and its Defense   x4Department of Political Science
 Political Thoughts   x2Department of Political Science
 Theory of Politics   x2Department of Political Science

Student chooses at least two compulsorily optional courses per semester.Students usually choose two optional courses per semester. In the case of getting enough credits for compulsorily optional courses, students choose only as many courses as they need to continue or finish their studies.

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

2 Lectured in English

Lectured in Spanish, Russian, German