Vehicles Maintenance and Repair - Bakalár (Bc.) - part-time

Admission Requirements:

Completion of secondary school leaving examination is the basic acceptance requirement.

Information on the Programme of Study:

Graduates of the first level of study programme  „Vehicles Maintenance and Repair“  are qualified to deal with issues relating to the operability of automobiles through a complex care, starting with introduction into operation until its completion implemented at the holder's facilities. Graduates gain knowledge in the area of automobile design, its technical operation and maintenance control, inspection activities, renovations, repairs, and logistics. They are able to systematically analyse, effectively organise and manage activities of servicing and repair activities.  Graduates can assess technical condition, carry out maintenance, diagnostics, repairs, and testing of automobiles and their groups. They are able to work in teams and communicate with professionals and other complex care providers.

Graduates are qualified to work as Maintenance Operators and Maintenance Managers of servicing and car repairs centres, as well as in transportation companies and organisations using automobile technology. They are able to work in the area of services and trade with automobiles, spare parts, operation materials and commodities relating to the use of automobiles. Graduates can also work as entrepreneurs in the area of maintenance, servicing, and sale of automobiles.

I.YEAR  SUBJECT AREA:5.2.2. MAINTENANCE OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTStudy program: Vehicles Maintenance and Repair 

CodeCourse titleECTS CreditsNumber of hours per weekExamination
Compulsory subjects
SaOA/B/4-01/eMathematics I7 3-2-0 s
SaOA/B/4-12/eFundamentals of Engineering Design5 2-2-0 s
SaOA/B/4-07/ePhysics I5 2-1-1 s
SaOA/B/3-99/eTechnical chemistry3 2-1-0 z
SaOA/B/1-01/eIntroduction to the Study of the University2 0-1-0 z
SaOA/B/1-02/eSafety of Technical Systems and Safety  at Work2 0-1-1 z
SaOA/B/4-02/eMathematics II 7 3-2-0s
SaOA/B/4-08/ePhysics II 5 2-1-1s
SaOA/B/4-11/eConstructive Geometry 4 2-1-0s
SaOA/B/1-21/eInformatics  2 0-0-2z
SaOA/B/4-55/eComputer-assisted Design I 3 0-0-2z
SaOA/B/1-03/eHistory of techniques 2 0-1-0z
Optional subjects
SaOA/B/4-03/eIntroduction to university mathematics1 0-2-0 
SaOA/B/4-09/eIntroduction to College Physics1 0-2-0 
SaOA/B/4-13/eSeminar in Technical Documentation1 0-2-0 
SaOA/B/4-04/eMathematics in solved exercises 1 0-2-0
SaOA/B/4-10/ePhysics in solved problems 1 0-2-0

 Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

II. YEARSUBJECT AREA:5.2.2. MAINTENANCE OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTStudy program: Vehicles Maintenance and Repair

CodeCourse titleECTS CreditsNumber of hours per weekExamination
Compulsory subjects
SaOA/B/3-11/eMaterial Science I 16 2-0-2 s
SaOA/B/4-21/eEngineering Mechanics I5 2-2-0 s
SaOA/B/2-15/eBasics of electrotechnics and electronics5 2-0-1 s
SaOA/B/4-05/eFundamentals of Numerical Mathematics and Statistics4 2-0-1 z
SaOA/B/1-22/eApplied Informatics2 0-0-2 z
SaOA/B/3-21/eProduction and renovation technologies 1 5 2-0-2s
SaOA/B/3-12/eMaterial Science II. 1 5 2-0-2s
SaOA/B/4-22/eEngineering Mechanics II 4 2-2-0s
SaOA/B/1-81/eFlexibility and Strength I 5 2-2-0s
SaOA/B/2-02/eBusiness Economics and maintenance 2 0-2-0z
Compulsory optional subjects
SaOA/B/1-04/eForeign language I 12 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/1-05/eForeign language II 1 3 0-2-0s
Optional subjects
SaOA/B/2-03/ePsychology of management1 0-2-0 z 
SaOA/B/4-24/eSeminar on fundamentals of engineering mechanics1 0-2-0 z 
SaOA/B/4-25/eSeminar of the foundations of Applied Mechanics 1 0-2-0z 
SaOA/B/1-06/eBusiness 1 0-2-0z 
SaOA/B/3-20/eFundamentals of engineering technology 1 0-1-1z 
SaOA/B/2-31/eService Experience 5 0-0-3z 

 Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

III. YEARSUBJECT AREA:5.2.2. MAINTENANCE OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTStudy program: Vehicles Maintenance and Repair

CodeCourse titleECTS CreditsNumber of hours per weekExamination
Compulsory subjects
SaOA/B/4-27/eFlexibility and Strength II5 2-2-0 s
SaOA/B/4-45/eMachine Parts and Mechanisms I4 2-2-0 s
SaOA/B/4-35/eFluid mechanics4 2-2-0 s
SaOA/B/4-26/eBasics of Robotics5 2-0-2 s
SaOA/B/1-61/eCar Construction I4 2-0-2 s
SaOA/B/1-07/eEcology and Environment1 0-1-0 z
SaOA/B/4-46/eMachine Parts and Mechanisms II 3 2-1-0s
SaOA/B/2-26/eControl systems for motor vehicles 3 2-0-1s
SaOA/B/1-64/eCar Construction II 5 2-0-2s
SaOA/B/2-17/eCardiagnostics  5 2-0-2s
SaOA/B/4-36/eThermomechanics  2 2-1-0z
SaOA/B/4-37/eFluid systems and components of cars and their maintenance 2 2-0-1z
SaOA/B/4-14/eFundamentals of labor and commercial law 2 0-1-0z
Optional subjects
SaOA/B/2-04/ePersonal Management1 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/2-08/eAccounting1 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/2-09/eFinancial Management1 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/3-13/eThermal treatment and surface finishing 12 2-0-1 z

Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

IV. YEARSUBJECT AREA:5.2.2. MAINTENANCE OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTStudy program: Vehicles Maintenance and Repair

CodeCourse titleECTS CreditsNumber of hours per weekExamination
Compulsory subjects
SaOA/B/2-39/eOrganization and technology of technical service5 2-0-2 s
SaOA/B/2-32/eAutomobile repairing3 2-0-1 s
SaOA/B/2-37/eManagement information systems of maintenance services5 2-0-1 s
SaOA/B/2-18/eElectronic systems in vehicles2 1-0-1 z
SaOA/B/2-16/eDependability Vehicles3 2-0-1 z
SaOA/B/2-50/eBachelor Project4 0-0-1 z
SaOA/B/2-36/ePremises Technology 3 2-0-1s
SaOA/B/2-30/eComplex care 5 2-0-2s
SaOA/B/2-05/eMethods of management techniques 2 1-0-1z
State examination subjects     
SaOA/B/2-51/eBachelor thesis 6 0-0-2šs
SaOA/B/2-41/eOperation, maintenance and repair of cars 1  šs
SaOA/B/2-40/eReliability and safety of cars 1  šs

Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language