Special Mechanical Engineering Technology - Bakalár (Bc.) - full-time

Admission Requirements:

Completion of secondary school leaving examination is the basic acceptance requirement.

Information on the Programme of Study:

Graduates of the study programme „Special Mechanical Engineering Technology“ are able to use their technical and professional theoretical knowledge and habits to analyse challenges and opportunities that appear in the areas of mechanical engineering sector, make proposals for reconstructions of parts of defence technological components and systems, measures for remediation of non-compliance during the life cycle, assess the quality of work and products, implement metrology-related tasks within production and process of complex care for defence technology, and assess the possibilities and technological aspects of functional units of defence technology. Graduates are valued for their knowledge of construction, material, technology, production, complex care of defence equipment, as well as for their ability to manage.

Graduates of the study programme „Special Mechanical Engineering Technology" can be employed in the sectors of mechanical engineering, both public and private, that deal with design, development, production, application, and liquidation of mechanical engineering technology, especially defence technology at suppliers, customers and users of technology in the army, police, rescue organisations, public utilities, and other specific areas of perspective mechanical engineering sector.

I. YEAR SUBJECT AREA:5.2.1. ENGINEERINGStudy program: Special Mechanical Engineering Technology

CodeCourse title ECTS Credits Number of hours per weekExamination
 Compulsory subjects
ŠST/ B/4-01/dMathematics I7 3-2-0 s
ŠST/B/4-12/dFundamentals of Engineering Design5 2-2-0 s
ŠST/B/4-07/dPhysics I5 2-1-1 s
ŠST/B/4-11/dConstructive Geometry4 2-1-0 s
ŠST/B/3-99/dTechnical chemistry3 2-1-0 z
ŠST/B/1-21/dInformatics2 0-0-2 z
ŠST/B/1-01/dIntroduction to the Study of the University2 0-1-0 z
ŠST/B/1-02/dSafety of Technical Systems and Safety  at Work2 0-1-1 z
ŠST/B/4-02/dMathematics II 7 3-2-0s
ŠST/B/3-11/dMaterial Science I 1 6 2-0-2s
ŠST/B/4-08/dPhysics II 5 2-1-1s
ŠST/B/4-21/dEngineering Mechanics I 5 2-2-0s
ŠST/B/4-55/dComputer-assisted Design I 3 0-0-2z
ŠST/B/1-22/dApplied Informatics 2 0-0-2z
ŠST/B/1-03/dHistory of techniques 2 0-1-0z
Optional subjects
ŠST/B/4-03/dIntroduction to university mathematics1 0-2-0 z
ŠST/B/4-09/dIntroduction to College Physics1 0-2-0 z
ŠST/B/4-13/dSeminar in Technical Documentation1 0-2-0 z
ŠST/B/4-15/dPhysical education I1 0-0-2 z
ŠST/B/4-04/dMathematics in solved exercises 1 0-2-0z
ŠST/B/4-10/dPhysics in solved problems 1 0-2-0z
ŠST/B/4-24/dSeminar on fundamentals of engineering mechanics 1 0-2-0z
ŠST/B/4-16/dPhysical education II 1 0-0-2z

Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

II. YEAR SUBJECT AREA:5.2.1. ENGINEERINGStudy program: Special Mechanical Engineering Technology 

CodeCourse titleECTSCreditsNumber of hours per weekExamination
Compulsory subjects
ŠST/B/4-22/dEngineering Mechanics II4 2-2-0 s
ŠST/B/3-12/dMaterial Science II. 15 2-0-2 s
ŠST/B/1-30/dBasics of Robotics5 2-0-2 s
ŠST/B/4-26/dFlexibility and Strength I5 2-2-0 s
ŠST/B/1-81/dBasics of electrotechnics and electronics  5 2-0-2 s
ŠST/B/4-05/dFundamentals of Numerical Mathematics and Statistics4 2-0-1 z
ŠST/B/3-21/dProduction and renovation technologies 1 5 2-0-2s
ŠST/B/4-27/dFlexibility and Strength II 5 2-2-0s
ŠST/B/4-45/dMachine Parts and Mechanisms I 4 2-2-0s
ŠST/B/4-35/dFluid mechanics 4 2-2-0s
ŠST/B/1-41/dSpecial technology 5 2-1-1s
ŠST/B/2-01/dEconomics and production management 2 0-2-0z
ŠST/B/4-14/dFundamentals of labor and commercial law 2 0-1-0z
Compulsory optional subjects
ŠST/B/1-04/dForeign language I 12 0-2-0 z
ŠST/B/1-05/dForeign language II 1 3 0-2-0s
Optional subjects
ŠST/B/2-03/dPsychology of management1 0-2-0 z
ŠST/B/4-25/dSeminar of the foundations of Applied Mechanics1 0-2-0 z
ŠST/B/4-17dPhysical education III1 0-0-2 z
ŠST/B/1-06/dBusiness1 0-2-0 z
ŠST/B/3-20/dFundamentals of Engineering Technology 1 0-1-1z
ŠST/B/3-35/dPractical training in production and renovation technologies 1 3 0-0-3z
ŠST/B/4-18dPhysical education IV 1 0-0-2z

 Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

III. YEAR   SUBJECT AREA:5.2.1. ENGINEERINGStudy program: Special Mechanical Engineering Technology 

 CodeCourse titleECTSCreditsNumber of hours per weekExamination
 Compulsory subjects
 ŠST/B/3-24/dModern technological methods of machine production and assembly4 2-0-1 s
 ŠST/B/4-46/dMachine Parts and Mechanisms II3 2-1-0 s
 ŠST/B/1-42/dWeapon systems5 2-2-0 s
 ŠST/B/1-63/dMobile technology5 2-0-2 s
 ŠST/B/1-82/dOptical and optoelectronic devices 14 2-0-1 s
 ŠST/B/1-62/dPower machines in mobile equipment2 1-0-1 z
 ŠST/B/4-36/dThermomechanics2 2-1-0 z
 ŠST/B/1-07/dEcology and Environment1 0-1-0 z
 ŠST/B/1-08/dBachelor Project4 0-0-1 z
 ŠST/B/1-43/dAmmunitions and Explosives 5 2-2-0s
 ŠST/B/2-36/dPremises Technology 3 2-0-1s
 ŠST/B/3-40/dEngineering metrology 1 3 2-0-2s
 ŠST/B/2-30/dComplex care 5 2-0-2s
 ŠST/B/4-47/dProject in design of machine parts and mechanisms 2 0-0-1z
 ŠST/B/1-84/dTechnical Cybernetics 2 1-0-1z
 ŠST/B/3-22/dQuality of mechanical engineering production and production devices 1 2 2-1-0z
 State examination subjects    s
 ŠST/B/1-09/dBachelor thesis 6 0-0-2
 ŠST/B/3-41/dEngineering materials and technologies 1  s
 ŠST/B/1-50/dSpecial Engineering Technology 1  s
Optional subjects
ŠST/B/4-19dPhysical education V1 0-0-2 z
ŠST/B/2-04/dPersonal Management1 0-2-0 z

Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language