Materials - PhD. - part-time

Admission Requirements:

Complete higher education and successful admission process.

Information about the Programme of Study:

Objective of the third level of higher education, study programme in Materials is formation of professionals who have extensive knowledge in the area of physical and chemical properties of materials, their diagnostics, and computer simulation of their physical properties.

Graduates of doctoral studies manage independent problem solving techniques dealing with broad spectrum of construction materials, and can predict their properties for use. They will be able to perform as independent members of scientific teams and later, after becoming more familiar with the nature of their work, also manage activities of development teams. 

They will be valid members of research institutes, universities, as well as corporate top managing positions focusing on metallic and non-metallic materials, thin layers, diagnostics, and testing.

1st academic year – the 3rd degree of study (PhD. degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Materials 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
M-P-1Materials Science8 2/2/0 
M-P-3Physics of Solid Substances 8 2/2/0
Optional subjects 
M-PV-1Technology of Production of Thin Layers and Coatings8 2/2/0 
M-PV-2Chemistry of Materials 18 2/2/0 
M-PV-3Material Diagnostics8 2/2/0 
M-PV-4Applied Mathematics 8 2/2/0
M-PV-5Applied Chemistry 8 2/2/0
M-PV-6Applied Mechanics 8 2/2/0
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum1616Credits

 * L – Lectures, S - Seminars, Lt – Laboratory tutorials, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

2nd academic year – the 3rd degree of study (PhD. degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Materials 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
3rd4th 3rd 4th 
M-P-5English Language8 0/4/0 
M-P-2Individual Study of Specialized Literature I 16 -/-/- 
M-P-7Scientific Activity II 112 -/-/- 
M-P-4Individual Study of Specialized Literature II Initiates file download1 6 -/-/-
M-P-11Scientific Activity III 1 16 -/-/-

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

3rd academic year – the 3rd degree of study (PhD. degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Materials 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
5th6th 5th 6th 
M-P-8Dissertation Project I 16 0/0/4 
M-P-13Scientific Activity V 1 18 -/-/-

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

Dissertation Examination 

Dissertation Examination – 24 Credits
Course unit codeSubjectsCreditsCredits
Compulsory subjects
M-P-9Defense of Written Work for Dissertation Examination 112 
M-P-10Selected Chapters from Materials Science 14 
Optional subjects I
M-PV-7Selected Chapters from Technology of Production of Thin Layers and Coatings4 
M-PV-8Selected Chapters from Chemistry of Materials4 
M-PV-9Selected Chapters from Material Diagnostics4 
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum4Credits
Optional subjects II
M-PV-10Selected Chapters from Applied Mathematics4 
M-PV-11Selected Chapters from Applied  Chemistry4 
M-PV-12Selected Chapters from Applied Mechanics4 
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum4Credits

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

4th academic year – the 3rd degree of study (PhD. degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Materials 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
7th8th 7th 8th 
M-P-6Scientific Activity I 110 -/-/- 
M-P-12Scientific Activity IV 114  -/-/- 
M-P-14Scientific Activity VI 1 12 -/-/-
M-P-15Scientific Activity VII 1 12 -/-/-

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

5th academic year – the 3rd degree of study (PhD. degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Materials 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
9th10th 9th 10th 
M-P-16Dissertation Project II 118  0/0/8 
Summaries18 0/0/8 

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

Final state exam
Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsLectures
M-P-17Dissertation Defense 130 

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language