Material Engineering - Inžinier (Ing.) - part-time

Admission Requirements:

Basic criteria for admission into the level II study programme in Material Engineering include completion of the study programme in Material Technology or similar study programme at level I.

Information on the Programme of Study:

Study programme in Material Engineering, study discipline in 5.2.26 in Materials, focuses on formation of completely prepared technical engineering professionals specialised in creative work in the area of production technologies, optimal design of material use characteristics, quality control, and material processing through modern technological approaches. Graduates acquire knowledge in the area of chemical composition and structure of metallic and non-metallic material types, along with basic knowledge in production, testing, technological processing, selection of main characteristics of technological material types, and their degradation. Graduates will be able to carry out independent scientific and research activities at research institutes and material research laboratories. They will be prepared to independently face technological issues. Graduates will find employment also at units dedicated to the design of manufacturing instruments or products. 

Graduates of level 2, study discipline in Materials, study programme in Material Engineering are prepared to work mainly in material engineering industrial companies, as well as in the area of industrial engineering, production and technological processes, and in production management processes.    Graduates can also find work as production technologists or managing workers employed at design and management of environmentally friendly industrial technological processes, environment technology, environmental materials, consumer products, and technological services.  They can also be employed in basic research and development of new materials, research of physical properties of materials, as well as at development of new diagnostic methods, innovation processes, implementation of sustainable technologies with minimum consumption of raw material, and waste-free processes. (complex processing of input raw materials).

Access to further studies: Possibility to study at the Doctorate level in the study programme of materials and discipline no. 5.2.26 Materials, or related study discipline.

1st academic year – the 2nd degree of study (Engineering degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Material Engineering 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
MI-I-P-1Engineering Materials4 2/1/0 
MI-I-P-2Computer Modelling in Materials Engineering I5 1/0/3 
MI-I-P-3Polymeric Materials7 2/1/3 
MI-I-P-5Applicated Inorganic Chemistry in Material Engineering3 2/1/0 
MI-I-P-6Environmental Engineering3 2/1/0 
MI-I-P-8Applied Organic Chemistry in Material Engineering 4 2/1/0
MI-I-P-9Computer Modelling in Materials Engineering II 5 1/0/3
MI-I-P-12Technical English 2 0/2/0
Optional subjects  I
MI-I-PV-1AMaterial Diagnostics 6 2/2/0
MI-I-PV-2AFracture Mechanics 5 2/2/0
MI-I-PV-3BGlass Technology 6 2/1/2
MI-I-PV-4BTechnical Mineralogy and Crystallography 5 2/1/0
MI-I-PV-5CDPolymeric Material Analysis 6 2/1/2
MI-I-PV-6CTreatment and Use of Polymeric Materials 5 2/2/0
MI-I-PV-7DTechnical Textiles 5 2/2/0
MI-I-PV-8EEnvironmental Impact Assessment of Industrial Technologies 6 2/1/2
MI-I-PV-9EEnergetics and Environment 5 2/2/0
MI-I-PV-10FInput Parameters to Computational Modeling 5 2/0/2
MI-I-PV-11FComputer Modelling of Solid Body Systems I 6 2/0/3
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum 11Credits
Optional subjects  II
MI-I-V-1Numerical Methods 2 2/0/0
MI-I-V-2Environmental Legislation 2 2/0/0
MI-I-V-3Integrated Management 2 2/0/0
MI-I-V-4Testing Methods and Certifications 2 0/2/0
MI-I-V-5Dimensioning of Polymer-made Products 2 2/0/0
MI-I-V-6Machines and Equipment for the Production of Silicate Materials 2 2/0/0
MI-I-V-7Machine and Equipment for the Processing of Plastics and Rubber 2 2/0/0
MI-I-V-8Modern Methods of Computational Modeling 2 0/0/2
MI-I-V-9Technologies of Polymeric Materials in Industrial Practice (excursions) 2 0/0/2
MI-I-V-10Technologies of Inorganic Materials in Industrial Practice (excursions) 2 0/0/2
MI-I-V-11Environmental Engineering in Industrial Practice (excursions) 2 0/0/2
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum 2Credits

Module A (Physical Engineering Materials - Metals)
Module B (Inorganic Materials)
Module C (Polymeric Materials - Rubber, Plastic)
Module D (Textile Materials)
Module E (Environmental Engineering)
Module F (
Computer-assisted Material Engineering)

2nd academic year – the 2nd degree of study (Engineering degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Material Engineering 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
3rd4th 3rd 4th 
MI-I-P-13Microscopic Methods of Structure Evaluation4 1/1/2 
MI-I-P-14Recycling Technologies4 2/1/0 
MI-I-P-4Experimental Methods of Material Characteristics6 2/0/3 
MI-I-P-21Corporate Management2 2/0/0 
MI-I-P-7Project CAD CAM 2 0/0/2
MI-I-P-10Physics of Solid Substances and Polymers 3 2/0/0
MI-I-P-11Statistical Methods for Experiments 3 2/1/0
MI-I-P-22Corrosion of Materials and Corrosion Protection 4 2/0/2
Optional subjects  I
MI-I-PV-12ADegradation Processes and Prediction of Life4 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-14BSilicate Engineering4 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-17CRubber Technology4 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-18DTextile and Clothing Technology4 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-21EToxicology and High-risk Characteristic of Materials4 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-22FComputer Modelling of Solid Body Systems II4 1/0/2 
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum4 Credits
Optional subjects  II
MI-I-V-12Advanced Materials and Technologies2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-13Planned Experiment2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-14Social and Work Psychology2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-15Basic Biochemistry2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-16Environment Technology2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-17Logistics2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-18Textile Materials Colour Science2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-19Testing and Certification of Rubber Products2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-20Optimisation of Mechanical Systems2 2/0/0 
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum2 Credits

 Module A (Physical Engineering Materials - Metals)
Module B (Inorganic Materials)
Module C (Polymeric Materials - Rubber, Plastic)
Module D (Textile Materials)
Module E (Environmental Engineering)
Module F (
Computer-assisted Material Engineering)

3rd academic year – the 2nd degree of study (Engineering degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Material Engineering 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
5th6th 5th 6th 
MI-I-P-15Ceramic Materials6 2/1/3 
MI-I-P-17Pre-Diploma Seminar2 0/2/0 
MI-I-P-18Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials3 2/0/0 
MI-I-P-16Business Law2 2/0/0 
MI-I-P-19Diploma Thesis Seminar 5 0/0/5
MI-I-P-20Advanced Composite Materials 3 2/1/0
Optional subjects  I
MI-I-PV-13ASurface Engineering3 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-15BTechnology of Special Inorganic Materials3 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-16CModification of Polymeric Systems3 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-19DCommodity Science3 0/2/0 
MI-I-PV-20ESustainable Development3 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-23FExperimental Modal Analysis3 1/0/2 
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum3 Credits

 Module A (Physical Engineering Materials - Metals)
Module B (Inorganic Materials)
Module C (Polymeric Materials - Rubber, Plastic)
Module D (Textile Materials)
Module E (Environmental Engineering)
Module F (
Computer-assisted Material Engineering)

 Final state exam
Course unit codeSubjectsCredits
Compulsory subjects
MI-I-P-23Defence of Diploma Theses10
MI-I-P-24Selected Chapters from Experimental Methods of Material Characteristics2
 Optional subjects 
MI-I-PV-25Selected Chapters from Engineering Materials2
MI-I-PV-26Selected chapters from Microscopic Methods of Structure Evaluation2
MI-I-PV-27Selected Chapters from Degradation Processes and Prediction of Life2
MI-I-PV-28Selected Chapters from Material Diagnostics2
MI-I-PV-29Selected Chapters from Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials2
MI-I-PV-30Selected Chapters from Advanced Composite Materials2
MI-I-PV-31Selected Chapters from Corrosion of Materials and Corrosion Protection2
MI-I-PV-32Selected Chapters from Polymeric Materials2
MI-I-PV-33Selected Chapters from Rubber Technology2
MI-I-PV-34Selected Chapters from Polymeric Material Analysis2
MI-I-PV-35Selected Chapters from Textile and Clothing Technology2
MI-I-PV-36Selected Chapters from Applicated  Inorganic Chemistry in Material Engineering2
MI-I-PV-37Selected Chapters from Ceramic Materials2
MI-I-PV-38Selected Chapters from Technology of Special Inorganic Materials2
MI-I-PV-39Selected Chapters from Silicate Engineering2
MI-I-PV-40Selected Chapters from Glass Technology2
MI-I-PV-41Selected Chapters from Technical Mineralogy and Crystallography2
MI-I-PV-42Selected Chapters from Environmental Engineering2
MI-I-PV-43Selected Chapters from Recycling Technologies2
MI-I-PV-44Selected Chapters from Energetics and Environment2
MI-I-PV-45Selected Chapters from the Sustainable Development2
MI-I-PV-46Selected Chapters from Computer Modelling in Materials engineering 2
MI-I-PV-47Selected Chapters from Computer Modelling of Solid Body Systems2
MI-I-PV-48Selected Chapters from Experimental Modal Analysis2
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum4