Нега - Bakalár (Bc.) - full-time

Услови за прием:

Основен услов за прием е положен завршен испит за средно образование. Друг услов за прием е успешното полагање на приемниот тест - тест по биологија во рамките на предметите од средно училиште.

Информации за студиската програма:

Дипломецот на студиската програма на додипломски студии „Нега“ е здравствен работник којшто поседува професионални способности за обезбедување нега. Дипломецот на студиската програма „Нега“ може да ги исполни барањата на дисциплина што опфаќа теории на нега со научно знаење од други дисциплини неопходни за обезбедување услуги на јавно здравство во примарната, секундарната и терцијарната превенција, како и при грижата за пациенти, рехабилитацијата и грижата по отпуштањето од болница. Може да обезбеди нега на поединци, семејства, групи или заедници на здрави или болни лица и да придонесе за добра здравствена состојба, закрепнување или мирна и достоинствена смрт. Може да размислува критички и да работи со добиените резултати од веродостојно истражување.

Дипломецот на студиската програма на додипломски студии „Нега“ обезбедува, на самозависен начин, медицинска нега (како превенција, поддршка, излекување, рехабилитација или дополнителна помош) на поединци, семејства и групи со применување методи на медицинска нега. Ја одржува и поддржува оптималната здравствена состојба на поединци, семејства, групи и заедници во различни ситуации во кои е потребна медицинска нега, стекнува активно учество на поединци, семејства, групи и заедници во процесот на одржување и подобрување на здравјето, лекувањето и грижата, ги следи потребите за медицинска нега, заедно со образованието за поединци, семејства и групи, а и обезбедува максимален квалитет во согласност со принципите на етика, правата на пациентите со акцент на максимален квалитет и учинок. Дипломецот се стекнува со предуслови за понатамошни студии на универзитет или во областа на специјализирано и продолжено образование.

SubjectNumber of hours per week/ Weekly hours1stYearNumber of credits
winter semestersummer semester
NumberTitleL/S/PCourse completionL/S/PCourse completion
Compulsory subject 
1Theory of Nursing I.1/2/2**C  3
2Nursing Process I.1/2/2**C  3
3Nursing Procedures and Techniques  2/10/0E  6
4Anatomy and Physiology I.3/0/0C  3
5Biophysics, Biochemistry and Radiology2/0/0E  2
6Fundamentals of Microbiology1/0/0E  2
7Dietetics1/0/0E  2
8Ethics and Philosophy in Healthcare1/0/0E  2
9Latin Language0/2/0C  2
10Information Technology0/2/0C  2
11Theory of Nursing II.  1/2/2**E2
12Nursing Process II.  1/2/2**C2
13Nursing Practice I.  0/0/23/C4
14Communication in Nursing  1/1/0E2
15Anatomy and Physiology II.  2/0/0E3
16Hygiene and Preventive Medicine  2/0/0E2
17Clinical Propedeutics and Nurses Screening  0/2/0C2
18First Aid  1/2/0C2
19Psychology  2/0/0C1
20Sociology in Health Care  1/0/0C1
21Continuous Nursing Practice I.  160*C3
22Holiday Nursing Practice  120*C3
Compulsory optional subject
1English Language I.0/2/0C  2
2Physical Education and Physical Activities I.0/2/0C  1
3English Language II.  0/2/0C2
4Physical Education and Physical Activities II.  0/2/0C1
Optional subject     
1Physical Education I.10*/30*/0C  1
2Physical Education II.  10*/30*/0C1


Explanation: * -number of hours per semester;** -supervised practical output; L - Lectur; S - Seminar; P - Practice

The centre of supervised practical output is to deepen theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills by the realisation of trained  procedures of lectures and practical exercises from the course under natural conditions.Supervised practical outputin subjects:Theory of Nursing I., Nursing Process I., Theory of Nursing II., Nursing Process II.Non-contact hours: –100 hours per semester infludes self-study using literature printed and electronic study materials  

Total hours12/22/0/0*/4** (T 442, P 0, 52**)11/13/23/280*/4** (T 312, P 579, 52**)

SubjectNumber of hours per week/ Weekly hours2ndYearNumber of credits
winter semestersummer semester
numberTitleL/S/PCourse completionL/S/PCourse completion
Compulsory subject 
1Nursing Practice II.0/0/28C  5
2Nursing Process III.0/2/3**E  3
3Fundamentals of Education and Health Education1/1/2**E  3
4Fundamentals of Research I.1/0/0C  2
5Health Care Management1/0/0E  2
6Clinical Pharmacology1/0/0E  2
7Nursing in Internal Medicine I.2/0/0C  2
8Nursing in Pediatrics I.2/0/0C  2
9Nursing in Surgery I.2/0/0C  2
10Nursing in Gynecology and Obstetrics I.2/0/0C  2
11Continuous Nursing Practice II.80*C  5
12Nursing Practice III.  0/0/28C5
13Nursing in Internal Medicine II.  2/2/2**E3
14Nursing in Pediatrics II.  0/2/2**E3
15Nursing in Surgery II.  0/2/2**E3
16Nursing in Gynecology and Obstetrics II.  0/2/2**E3
17Pathological Anatomy an Pathological Physiology  2/0/0E3
18Fundamentals of Rehabilitation in Nursing  0/1/0C2
19Fundamentals of Research II.  0/1/2**C3
20Continuous Nursing Practice III.  140*C5
Optional subject
1Sign Language I.0/2/0C  1
2Physical Education III.0/2/0C  1
3English for Non-Medical Professions I.0/1/0C  1
4Fundamentals  of Basal Stimulation I.0/1/0C  1
5History of Health Care  1/0/0C1
6Sign Language I.  0/2/0C1
7Physical Education IV.  0/2/0C1
8English for Non-Medical Professions II.  0/1/0C1
9Fundamentals  of Basal Stimulation II.  0/1/0C1
Explanation: * -number of hours per semester;** -supervised practical output; L - Lectur; S - Seminar; P - Practice

The centre of supervised practical output is to deepen theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills by the realisation of trained  procedures of lectures and practical exercises from the course under natural conditions.Supervised practical outputin subjects:Nursing Process III., Fundamentals of Education and Health Education, Nursing in Internal Medicine II., Nursing in Pediatrics II., Nursing in Surgery II., Nursing in Gynecology and Obstetrics II., Fundamentals of Research II. Non-contact hours: –100 hours per semester infludes self-study using literature printed and electronic study materials  

Total hours12/3/28/80*/5** (T 195, P 444, 65**)4/10/28/140*/10** (T 182, P 504, 130**)

SubjectNumber of hours per week/ Weekly hours3rdYearNumber of credits
winter semestersummer semester
NumberTitleL/S/PCourse completionL/S/PCourse completion
Compulsory subject 
1Nursing Practice IV.0/0/28C  5
2Nursing in Neurology1/2/2**E  2
3Nursing in Geriatrics1/2/2**E  3
4Nursing in the Selected Surgery Branches1/1/1**C  2
5Law and Legislation in Healthcare1/0/0C  1
6Community Nursing and Home Care1/0/0E  2
7Palliative and Hospice Care1/0/0E  2
8Social Work in Healthcare1/0/0C  2
9Management in Healthcare and Quality of Care1/0/0E  3
10Bachelor Seminar - applied Research I.0/1/5**C  3
11Continuous Nursing Practice IV.120*C  5
12Nursing Practice V.    0/0/28C6
13Nursing in Psychiatry  1/2/2**E2
14Nursing in Oncology  1/2/2**E2
15Bachelor Seminar - applied Research II.  0/1/10**C8
Optional subject 
1Sign Language I.0/2/0C  1
2Physical Education V.0/2/0C  1
3Working with Specialised Texts in English I.0/1/0C  1
4Fundamentals  of Basal Stimulation I.0/1/0C  1
5Lymphatic Drainage I.0/2/0C  1
6Musical Activities in the Health Care of Patients I.0/1/0C  1
7Sign Language II.  0/2/0C1
8Physical Education VI.  0/2/0C1
9Working with Specialised Texts in English I.  0/1/0C1
10Fundamentals  of Basal Stimulation II.  0/1/0C1
11Lymphatic Drainage II.  0/2/0C1
12Musical Activities in the Health Care of Patients II.  0/1/0C1
Explanation: * -number of hours per semester;** -supervised practical output; L - Lectur; S - Seminar; P - Practice

The centre of supervised practical output is to deepen theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills by the realisation of trained  procedures of lectures and practical exercises from the course under natural conditions. Supervised practical outputin subjects:Nursing in Neurology, Nursing in Geriatrics, Bachelor Seminar - applied Research I., Nursing in Psychiatry, Nursing in Oncology, Bachelor Seminar - applied Research II.Non-contact hours: –100 hours per semester infludes self-study using literature printed and electronic study materials

Total hours8/6/28/120*/10** (T 182, P 484, 130**)2/5/28/0*/14** (T 91, P 364, 182**)

State exams:   The Bachelor´s Thesis Defence - 4 credits Practical state examination: Nursing in Clinical Fields - 4 creditsOral state examination:Nursing - 2 credits Nursing in the Pre-clinical and Clinical Field Studies - 2 credits  

 Theoretical subjectsPractice**
Self-study100 hours/semester (600 hours/study)


 Compulsory subjectsCompulsory optional subjectsCoursesPractice
State exams121200124
Total1741726417295,6 %4726,1