Političke nauke - Magister (Mgr.) - part-time

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Osnovni kriterijumi za prijem u studijski program II nivoa iz Političkih nauka uključuju završetak studijskog programa iz Političkih nauka ili sličnog studijskog programa I nivoa.

Informacije o studijskom programu:

Program M.A. na Odeljenju za političke nauke se fokusira na pripremu specijalista za javne službe. Diplomci ovog master programa moći će da rade u javnoj upravi, stvaraju koncepcije regionalnog razvoja, pripremaju odluke predstavničkih tela ali i viših organa državne uprave, kreiraju alternativne razvojne projekte i upoređuju ih sa sličnim projektima iz drugih regija. Nadalje, svaki diplomac ovog programa ima sposobnosti analize socijalnog i ekonomskog razvoja regije, traženje komparativnih prednosti i pomaganje u odabiru efikasnog načina upravljanja regijom. Jedna od prepreka napretka u Slovačkoj i zemljama bivšeg komunističkog bloka je nizak stručni nou-hau o organizaciji regionalnog razvoja u zapadnoevropskim zemljama Evropske unije i u Severnoj Americi. Stoga će deo ovog programa biti opis, analiza i simulacija mehanizama regionalnog razvoja zasnovanog na iskustvu pomenutih zemalja. Istovremeno, studenti će pokušati da nađu odgovore na neka pitanja iz oblasti demokratije u životu građana. Reč je o učešću građana u lokalnim političkim procesima odlučivanja, alternativama javnoj raspravi i ulasku u stručne grupe za kreiranje javne politike.

Važan deo ovog programa su i pitanja socijalnog i ekonomskog razvoja. Reč je o sposobnosti da dobiju nepristrasne i složene slike stvarnog stanja regije, pripremljenosti da analiziraju te slike stanja i da naprave konačne reference. Ona je takođe povezana sa socijalnom situacijom stanovništva, formiranjem lokalnih i regionalnih budžeta, međunarodnim iskustvima finansijskog razvoja i eksploatacije. Kao ključna pitanja posmatramo razvoj tehničke infrastrukture, zdravstvenih usluga, socijalne zaštite i obrazovnog sistema.

Diplomci našeg zajedničkog M.A programa mogu takođe biti prihvaćeni kao strateški menadžeri na regionalnom nivou. To će biti kombinacija ekonomskog, političkog i socijalnog upravljanja. 

First year of study

Winter TermSummer Term
Compulsorily courses  
1Contemporary Political Thoughts I (Political Ideologies) 12/2x  5Department of Political Science
2Methodology of Research in Political Science 12/2x  5Department of Political Science
4Sociology of Politics 12/2x x5Department of Political Science
5Contemporary Political Thoughts II (Theories of Democracy) 1  2/2x5Department of Political Science
6European Integration Policy 1  2/1x4Department of Political Science
Compulsorily optional courses
1Global Politics 10/2x  3Department of Political Science
2Theories of European Integration 10/2x  3Department of Political Science
3Ethnic Conflicts 10/2x  3Department of Political Science
4Comunicación Intercultural 10/2x  3Department of Social Science and Arts
5Current Issues of Central European Politics 1  0/2x3Department of Political Science
6Multiculturalism in Europe 1  0/2x3Department of Political Science
7Politics of BRICS countries 1  0/2x3Department of Political Science
8Dirección Intercultural 1  0/2x3Department of Political Science
Optional courses
1Foreign Slovaks and Policy of the SR 10/2x  2Department of Political Science
2Research in Politics – Practical Aspects 10/2x  2Department of Political Science
3Extremism 1  0/2x2Department of Political Science
4Current Issues of World Politics 1  0/2x2Department of Political Science

Student chooses at least two compulsorily optional courses per semester.Students usually choose two optional courses per semester. In the case of getting enough credits for compulsorily optional courses, students choose only as many courses as they need to continue or finish their studies.

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

2 Lectured in English

Lectured in Spanish, Russian, German

Second Year of Study

Winter TermSummer Term
Compulsorily courses
1Contemporary Political Thoughts III (Current International Relations Theories) 12/2x  5Department of Political Science
2Great Powers Politics 12/2x  5Department of Political Science
3Theories of Social Conflicts 12/2x  5Department of Political Science
4Mass-medial Policy 12/2x  5Department of Political Science
5Political Analysis 1  2/2x5Department of Political Science
6Social Policy 1  2/0x3Department of Political Science
7Security Policy 1  2/0x3Department of Political Science
8Methodology of Diploma Thesis  0/2x3Department of Political Science
Compulsorily optional courses
1Globalization 10/2x  3Department of Political Science
2Political Strategies 10/2x  3Department of Political Science
3Comparative Politics: Transatlantic Relations and Regions beyond 1  0/2x3Department of Political Science
4Geopolitics  0/2x3Department of Political Science
5Situción Política y Económica de Latinoamérica  0/2x3Department of Political Science
Optional courses
1Current Issues of European Politics0/2x  2Department of Political Science
2Foreign Language 2 (German, Russian, Spanish)0/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
3Foreign Language 3 (German, Russian, Spanish)0/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
4Current Issues of Slovak Politics  0/2x2Department of Political Science
5Foreign Language 2 (German, Russian, Spanish)  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
6Foreign Language 3 (German, Russian, Spanish)  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts

Student chooses at least one compulsorily optional course per semester.Students usually choose one optional course per semester. In the case of getting enough credits for compulsorily optional course, students choose only as many courses as they need to continue or finish their studies.

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

2 Lectured in English

Lectured in Spanish, Russian, German

Third year of Study

Winter TermSummer Term
Compulsorily courses
1Political Culture 12/1x  4Department of Political Science
2Diploma Thesis Seminar 10/2x  3Department of Political Science
3Balkan Studies 1  2/0x3Department of Political Science
4Diploma Thesis  0/2x4Department of Political Science
Compulsorily optional courses
1Contemporary African Politics 10/2x  3Department of Political Science
2Cultura y Comportamiento Político 10/2x  3Department of Political Science
3Political Radicalism 1  0/2x3Department of Political Science
4Diversidad cultural de Europa y políticas de intefgración  0/2x3Department of Political Science
Optional courses
1Public Opinion Research 10/2x  2Department of Political Science
 Medial Analysis and Presentation Skills0/2x  2Department of Political Science
2Foreign Language 2 (German, Russian, Spanish)0/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
3Foreign Language 3 (German, Russian, Spanish)0/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
4Current sub-cultures of Youngs 1  0/2x2Department of Political Science
5Foreign Language 2 (German, Russian, Spanish)  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
6Foreign Language 3 (German, Russian, Spanish)  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
State exam
Diploma Thesis and its Defence   State exam8  

Student chooses at least one compulsorily optional course per semester.Students usually choose one optional course per semester. In the case of getting enough credits for compulsorily optional courses, students choose only as many courses as they need to continue or finish their studies.

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

2 Lectured in English

Lectured in Spanish, Russian, German