Političke nauke - Bakalár (Bc.) - part-time

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Informacije o studijskom programu:

Diplomci stiču teorijska znanja iz specijalnih disciplina političkih nauka. Stekli su znanja o Komparativnim političkim naukama, Političkoj sociologiji, Istoriji političkih teorija i aktuelnim trendovima u političkom razmišljanju, upravljanju zajednicom, funkcionisanju regiona prema samoj zemlji i prema drugim zemljama. Njihove govorne sposobnosti su na srednjem nivou, stoga mogu raditi u različitim oblastima kao što su javna uprava, udruženja, masovni mediji i međunarodne organizacije. Diplomci su spremni da rade samostalno, na kreativan i efikasan način i mogu upravljati razvojem zajednice. Obučeni su da osmisle i podnesu na razmatranje izmene određenih okolnosti i da komuniciraju sa domaćim i inostranim partnerima. Još jedna karijera, koju diplomci mogu započeti, je posao političkog savetnika u oblasti naučnog istraživanja, politike i novinarstva. Novim vrstama regiona koji su formirani 2001. godine potrebni su novi diplomci iz oblasti političkih nauka, koji mogu razviti saradnju regija i institucija Evropske unije. Očekuje se da će diplomci iz ovog programa imati dobre veštine korišćenja stranih jezika. Diplomci takođe mogu raditi u državnim institucijama, javnoj upravi (na državnom, slovačkom, regionalnom i lokalnom nivou) i u nevladinim institucijama.

First year of study

Winter TermSummer Term
Compulsorily Courses  
1Introduction to Political Science Theory2/1x  4Department of Political Science
2History of Political Science Thought I2/2x  5Department of Political Science
3Professional English I0/4x  4Department of Social Science and Arts
4Political System of Slovakia  2/1x4Department of Political Science
5History of Political Science Thought II  2/2x5Department of Political Science
6Professional English II  0/4x4Department of Social Science and Arts
Compulsorily Optional Courses
1Seminar to Study of Political Science0/2x  3Department of Political Science
2Rhetoric0/2x  3Department of Political Science
3Basic of Diplomacy0/2x  3Department of Political Science
4Creation of Nations and National States0/2x  3Department of Political Science
5Diplomatic Protocol  0/2x3Department of Political Science
6History of Economic Theories  0/2x3Department of Political Science
7History of Law  0/2x3Department of Political Science
8History of Slovak Public Policy  0/2x3Department of Political Science
Optional Courses
1Writing on Politics 10/2x  2Department of Political Science
2Colloquia of Actual  Trends0/2x  2Department of Political Science
3Writing on Politics 2 1  0/2x2Department of Political Science
4Colloquia of Actual  Trends 2  0/2x2Department of Political Science
5Technics of Presentation  0/2x2Department of Political Science
Student chooses at least two compulsorily optional courses per semester.Students usually choose one optional course per semester. In the case of getting enough credits for compulsorily optional courses, students choose only as many courses as they need to continue or finish their studies.

Second year of study

Winter TermSummer Term
Compulsorily Courses  
1History of Political Science Thought III 12/2x  5Department of Political Science
2Introduction to Sociology2/2x x5Department of Political Science
3Slovak History I2/1x  4Department of Political Science
4Professional English0/4x  4Department of Social Science and Arts
5Theory of Sociology  2/2x5Department of Political Science
6Slovak History II  2/1x4Department of Political Science
7Professional English  0/4x4Department of Social Science and Arts
Compulsorily optional courses
1Modern Political Revolution0/2x  3Department of Political Science
2Economic Theories 10/2x  3Department of Political Science
3Theory of State and Law0/2x  3Department of Political Science
4Crisis management 10/2x  3Department of Political Science
5Minority in Politics 1  0/2x3Department of Political Science
6Political and Social Ethics 1  0/2x3Department of Political Science
7Political Communication 1  0/2x3Department of Political Science
8Human and Civil Rights 1  0/2x3Department of Political Science
Optional courses
1Writing on Politics 3 10/2x  2Department of Political Science
2Colloquia of Actual Trends 3 10/2x  2Department of Political Science
3Foreign Language 2 (ES, DE, RU)0/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
4Foreign Language 3 (ES, DE, RU)0/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
5Writing on Politics 4 1  0/2x2Department of Political Science
6Colloquia of Actual  Trends 4 1  0/2x2Department of Political Science
7Foreign Language 2 (ES, DE, RU)  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
8Foreign Language 3 (ES, DE, RU)  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
Student chooses at least two compulsorily optional courses per semester.Students usually choose one optional course per semester. In the case of getting enough credits for compulsorily optional courses, students choose only as many courses as they need to continue or finish their studies.

Third year of study

Winter TermSummer Term
Compulsorily courses  
1Introduction to European Politics2/2x  5Department of Political Science
2History of International Relations2/0x  3Department of Political Science
3Theory of Political Parties2/2x  5Department of Political Science
4Methods of Empirical Research2/2x  5Department of Political Science
5Comparative Politics I (UK, US, FR, DE)  2/0x3Department of Political Science
6Elections and Electoral Systems  2/0x3Department of Political Science
7History of Political Science Thought  2/2x5Department of Political Science
8History and Structure of European Integration  2/1x4Department of Political Science
9Methods of Writing of Proffesional Text  0/2x3Department of Political Science
Compulsorily optional courses
1Current Issues of Slovak Politics0/2x  3Department of Political Science
2Protocolo Social 30/2x  3Department of Political Science
3Political Systems of Latin America  0/2x3Department of Political Science
4Mass Media and Politics  0/2x3Department of Political Science
Optional courses
1Music and  Politics0/2x  2Department of Political Science
2Foreign Language 2 (ES, DE, RU)0/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
3Foreign Language 3 (ES, DE, RU)0/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
4Movies and Politics  0/2x2Department of Political Science
5Foreign Language 2 (ES, DE, RU)  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
6Foreign Language 3 (ES, DE, RU)  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts

Student chooses at least one compulsorily optional course per semester.Students usually choose one optional courses per semester. In the case of getting enough credits for compulsorily optional courses, students choose only as many courses as they need to continue or finish their studies.  

Forth year of study

Winter TermSummer Term
Compulsorily courses  
1Comparative politics Ii (NL, ES, CH, IT)2/0x  3Department of Political Science
2International Political Relations2/2x  5Department of Political Science
3Seminar to Bachelor Thesis0/2x  3Department of Political Science
4Politics of Central and East European Countries2/1x  4Department of Political Science
5International Organizations  2/0x3Department of Political Science
6Political Systems of EU  2/2x5Department of Political Science
7Bachelor Thesis  0/2x4Department of Social Science and Arts
Compulsorily optional courses
1Political Geography 20/2x  3Department of Political Science
2Political Systems of Nordic Countries0/2x  3Department of Political Science
3Current World Politics  0/2x3Department of Political Science
4Análisis del Discurso 3  0/2x3Department of Political Science
Optional courses
1Praxes I16x  2Department of Political Science
2Foreign Language 2 (ES, DE, RU)0/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
3Foreign Language 3 (ES, DE, RU)0/2x  2Department of Social Science and Arts
4Praxes II  16x2Department of Political Science
5Foreign Language 2 (ES, DE, RU)  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
6Foreign Language 3 (ES, DE, RU)  0/2x2Department of Social Science and Arts
State exam courses
 Bachelor Thesis and its Defense   x4Department of Political Science

Student chooses at least one compulsorily optional course per semester.Students usually choose one optional courses per semester. In the case of getting enough credits for compulsorily optional courses, students choose only as many courses as they need to continue or finish their studies.