19994 - Inorganic technologies and non-metalic materials - PhD. - full-time

Absolvent of the third degree study course Inorganic technologies and non-metalic materials has the knowledge of scientific research and development methodology of designing new non-metallic inorganic materials. He is able individually solve the problems of development of inorganic technologies including the waste level decreasing and waste reprocessing. He is especially educated in the field of glass, inorganic binders, and ceramic and refractory materials. He will acquire a practical experience with the high temperature technology processes. He is deeply educated in the field of chemical kinetics and thermodynamics, and is able to solve engineering problems of contemporary technological praxis. He is experienced in the methodology and praxis of study of materials properties and structure. He has active knowledge of at least one foreign language. He is experienced user of information and communication technology. He is prepared for team working he can predict further development in the field of his interest and effectively manage projects. His theoretical knowledge represents the effective presumption for working in the field of industry as well as in the research and development institutes including the interdisciplinary ones

1 year of study

CourseHours per week
Winter semesterSummer semester  Credits
Compulsory courses
 Inorganic materials and their production technologies4/0/0z  0
 Inorganic chemistry4/0/0z  0
 Physical Chemistry4/0/0z  0
 Anglický jazyk2/2/0z  0
 Inorganic materials and their production technologies  4/0/0s15
 Inorganic chemistry  4/0/0s10
 Physical Chemistry  4/0/0s15
 English Language  2/2/0s10
Compulsory optional courses
 Analytical Chemistry4/0/0s  10
 Colloid and Surface Chemistry4/0/0s  10
 Molecular Spectroscopy4/0/0s  10
 Inorganic nanomaterials4/0/0s  10
 Glass Production Technology4/0/0s  10
 Applied Statistics2/2/0s  10

 Student chooses at least one compulsorily optional course. 

2. year of study 

CourseHours per week
Winter semesterSummer semesterCredites
Compulsory courses
 Dissertation project0/0/20z  40
 Dissertation exam Štátna skúška  20
 Experimental work  0/0/20z 
 Summary    60

3. year of study 

CourseHours per week
Winter semestersummer semesterCredits
Compulsory courses 
 Experimental work0/0/20z   
 Experimental work  0/0/20z 
 Publishing activity   z30
 Attendance of the international conference   z30
 Summary    60

4. year of study 

CourseHours per week
winter semestersummersemesterCredits
Compulsory courses 
 Experimental work0/0/20z   
 Experimental work  0/0/20z 
 Publishing acitivity   z20
 Defense of the dissertation   State exam40
 Summary    60