Laboratorijska medicina - Bakalár (Bc.) - full-time

Uslovi za prijem:

Osnovni uslov za prijem je završni ispit srednje škole. Dodatni uslov za prijem je uspešno rešavanje prijemnog ispita – ispita iz biologije u razmerama gradiva srednjoškolskih predmeta.

Informacije o nastavnom planu studije:

Diplomac studijskog programa Laboratorijska medicina je sposoban za osnovne procese odlučivanja u indicijama svih laboratorijskih ispitivanja koja su uobičajena u zdravstvu. On/ona je u stanju da radi sa stručnjacima u medicinskim disciplinama kod kojih se formiraju zajednička tela za ispitivanja primenom posebnih dijagnostičkih algoritama. Diplomac je sposoban da analizira i sintetiše stečena znanja kako bi pomogao kliničkim i terapijskim aktivnostima koje koriste pacijentu.

Diplomac studijskog programa Laboratorijska medicina može pronaći širok spektar mogućnosti za zapošljavanje u oblasti kliničke biohemije, mikrobiologije, farmakologije, patologije (citologije), hematologije, genetike, toksikologije, imunologije ili alergologije, a takođe može raditi u oblasti higijene i u naučnim laboratorijama. Diplomac ima preduslove za dalje studiranje na univerzitetu, ili u oblasti specijalizovanog i kontinuiranog obrazovanja.

SubjectNumber of hours per week/ Weekly hours1stYearNumber of credits
winter semestersummer semester
numberTitleL/S/PCourse completionL/S/PCourse completion
Compulsory subject 
1Anatomy I.2/0/0C  3
2Biochemistry I.2/0/0C  3
3Biophysics2/0/0E  4
4Analytical Chemistry I.2/2/0C  3
5Microbiology3/0/0E  4
6Examination Methods in Microbiology I.2/0/0C  3
7Laboratory Techniques I.1/6/3**C  3
8Fundamentals of Ethics and Philosophy in Health Care1/0/0E  2
9Information Technology0/2/0C  2
10Anatomy II.  2/0/0E3
11Biochemistry II.  2/4/0E3
12Analytical Chemistry II.  3/0/0E4
13Nuclear Medicine  2/0/0E3
14Laboratory Techniques II.  1/6/3**C3
15Examination methods in Microbiology II.  1/4/0E3
16Immunology and Diagnostic Methods in Immunology  3/0/0E3
17Psychology and Professional Communication  1/0/0C1
18Continuous Laboratory Practice I.  0/0/120*C4
Compulsory optional subject     
1English Language I.0/2/0C  2
2Physical Education and Physical Activities I.0/2/0C  1
3English Language II.  0/2/0C2
4Physical Education and Physical Activities II.  0/2/0C1
Optional subject     
1Physical Education I.10*/30*/0C  1
2Physical Education II.  10*/30*/0C1


Explanation: * -number of hours per semester;** -supervised practical output; L - Lectur; S - Seminar; P - Practice

The centre of supervised practical output is to deepen theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills by the realisation of trained  procedures of lectures and practical exercises from the course under natural conditions.Supervised practical outputin subjects:Laboratory Techniques I, II.   

Total hours15/14/3** (T377, P0, 39**)15/18/120*, 3** (T429, P120, 39**)

Number of hours per week/ Weekly hours2ndYearNumber of credits
winter semestersummer semester
NumberTitleL/S/PCourse completionL/S/PCourse completion
Compulsory subject 
1Physiology2/0/0E  2
2Clinical Propedeutics for Laboratory Medicine2/0/0E  3
3Pharmacology1/0/0E  2
4Examination Methods in Biochemistry I.2/0/0C  2
5Laboratory Techniques III.1/6/3**E  5
6Hematology2/2/0E  4
7Genetics3/0/0C  2
8First Aid1/1/0E  2
9Latin language0/2/0C  2
10Fundamentals of Research I.1/0/0C  2
11Laboratory Practice I.0/0/25C  4
12Examination Methods in Biochemistry II.  3/0/0E4
13Pathology and Patophysiology  2/0/0E3
14Fundamentals of Hygiene and Epidemiology  2/2/0E4
15Laboratory Methods in Microbiology and Biology of Environment  1/1/0C2
16Laboratory Methods in Working Environment  1/1/0C2
17Laboratory Methods in Environment  1/1/0C2
18Examination Methods in Genetics  2/0/0E3
19Fundamentals of Research II.  0/1/0C3
20Laboratory practice II.  0/0/25C3
21Continuous Laboratory Practice II.  0/0/120*C4
Optional subject     
1Sign Language I.0/2/0C  1
2Physical Education III.0/2/0C  1
3English for Non-Medical Professions I.0/1/0C  1
4Fundamentals  of Basal Stimulation I.0/1/0C  1
5History of Health Care  1/0/0C1
6Sign Language II.  0/2/0C1
7Physical Education IV.  0/2/0C1
8English for Non-Medical Professions II.  0/1/0C1
9Fundamentals  of Basal Stimulation II.  0/1/0C1


Explanation: * -number of hours per semester;** -supervised practical output; L - Lectur; S - Seminar; P - Practice

The centre of supervised practical output is to deepen theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills by the realisation of trained  procedures of lectures and practical exercises from the course under natural conditions.Supervised practical outputin subjects:Laboratory Techniques III.  

Total hours15/11/25, 3** (T338, P325, 39**)12/6/25,120*,0** (T234, P445, 0**)

SubjectNumber of hours per week/ Weekly hours3rdYearNumber of credits
winter semestersummer semester
NumberTitleL/S/PCourse completionL/S/PCourse completion
Compulsory subject 
1Histology and Histological Methods in Histopathology2/0/0E  4
2Laboratory Examinations in Hematology and Transfusiology2/2/0E  5
3Toxicology1/0/0E  4
4Health Care Management1/0/0E  2
5Examination Methods in Toxicology0/1/0C  3
6Bachelor Seminar-Applied Research I.0/1/5**C  3
7Law and Legislation in Health Care1/0/0C  2
8Fundamentals of Economics1/0/0C  2
9Laboratory Practice III.0/0/32C  5
10Examination Methods in Clinical Cytology  0/2/0E2
11Laboratory Methods in Functional Diagnostics  0/1/0E1
12Fundamentals to Management  1/0/0E1
13Bachelor Seminar – Applied Research II.  0/1/10**C5
14Laboratory Practice IV.  0/0/32C5
Optional subject     
1Sign Language I.0/2/0C  1
2Physical Education V.0/2/0C  1
3Working with Specialised Texts in English I.0/1/0C  1
4Fundamentals  of Basal Stimulation I.0/1/0C  1
5Sign Language II.  0/2/0C1
6Physical Education VI.  0/2/0C1
7Working with Specialised Texts in English II.  0/1/0C1
8Fundamentals  of Basal Stimulation II.  0/1/0C1


Explanation: * -number of hours per semester;** -supervised practical output; L - Lectur; S - Seminar; P - Practice

The centre of supervised practical output is to deepen theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills by the realisation of trained  procedures of lectures and practical exercises from the course under natural conditions.Supervised practical outputin subjects:Bachelor Seminar – Applied Research I., II.  

Total hours8/4/32,5** (T156, P416,65**)1/4/32,10** (T65, P416,130**)

State exams: The Bachelor´s Thesis Defence  - 4 creditsPractice examination:Foundations of laboratory techniques - 4 creditsOral state examination:Analytical chemistry- 2 credits Biochemistry - 2 credits Laboratory methods in microbiology, immunology and genetics- 2 credits Laboratory methods in working and living environment- 2 credits

 Theoretical subjectsPractice**
Self-study150 hours/semester (900 hours/study)


 Compulsory subjectsCompulsory optional subjectsCoursesPractice
3rdyear + Self Study60600060100,01016,7