Održavanje i popravka vozila - Bakalár (Bc.) - full-time

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Informacije o studijskom programu:


Diplomci prvog nivoa studijskog programa "Održavanje i popravka vozila" kvalifikovani su za rešavanje problema koji se odnose na operativnost automobila kroz kompleksnu brigu, počevši od uvođenja u rad do završetka koji se odvija u objektima vlasnika. Diplomci steknu znanje iz oblasti dizajna automobila, njegovog tehničkog rada i kontrole održavanja, inspekcijskih aktivnosti, renoviranja, popravki i logistike. Oni su u stanju da sistematski analiziraju, efikasno organizuju i upravljaju aktivnostima servisiranja i popravke.  Diplomci mogu da procene tehničko stanje, izvrše održavanje, dijagnostiku, popravke i testiranje automobila i njihovih grupa. Oni su u mogućnosti da rade u timovima i komuniciraju sa profesionalcima i drugim složenim pružaocima usluga.

Diplomci su kvalifikovani da rade kao Operateri održavanja i Menadžeri održavanja centara za servisiranje i popravke automobila, kao i u transportnim kompanijama i organizacijama koje koriste automobilsku tehnologiju. Oni su u mogućnosti da rade u oblasti usluga i trgovine automobilima, rezervnim delovima, materijalima za rad i robnim proizvodima koji se odnose na upotrebu automobila. Diplomci takođe mogu raditi kao preduzetnici u oblasti održavanja, servisiranja i prodaje automobila.

I. YEAR SUBJECT AREA:5.2.2. MAINTENANCE OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTStudy program: Vehicles Maintenance and Repair

CodeCourse titleECTS CreditsNumber of hours per weekExamination
Compulsory subjects
SaOA/B/4-01/dMathematics I7 3-2-0 s
SaOA/B/4-12/dFundamentals of Engineering Design5 2-2-0 s
SaOA/B/4-07/dPhysics I5 2-1-1 s
SaOA/B/4-11/dConstructive Geometry4 2-1-0 s
SaOA/B/3-99/dTechnical chemistry3 2-1-0 z
SaOA/B/1-21/dInformatics2 0-0-2 z
SaOA/B/1-01/dIntroduction to the Study of the University2 0-1-0 z
SaOA/B/1-02/dSafety of Technical Systems and Safety  at Work2 0-1-1 z
SaOA/B/4-02/dMathematics II 7 3-2-0s
SaOA/B/3-11/dMaterial Science I 1 6 2-0-2s
SaOA/B/4-08/dPhysics II 5 2-1-1s
SaOA/B/4-21/dEngineering Mechanics I 5 2-2-0s
SaOA/B/4-55/dComputer-assisted Design I 3 0-0-2z
SaOA/B/1-22/dApplied Informatics 2 0-0-2z
SaOA/B/1-03/dHistory of techniques 2 0-1-0z
Optional subjects
SaOA/B/4-03/dIntroduction to university mathematics1 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/4-09/dIntroduction to College Physics1 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/4-13/dSeminar in Technical Documentation1 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/4-15/dPhysical education I1 0-0-2 z
SaOA/B/4-04/dMathematics in solved exercises 1 0-2-0z
SaOA/B/4-10/dPhysics in solved problems 1 0-2-0z
SaOA/B/4-24/dSeminar on fundamentals of engineering mechanics 1 0-2-0z
SaOA/B/4-16/dPhysical education II 1 0-0-2z

 Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

II. YEARSUBJECT AREA:  5.2.2. MAINTENANCE OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTStudy program: Vehicles Maintenance and Repair 

CodeCourse titleECTS CreditsNumber of hours per weekExamination
Compulsory subjects
SaOA/B/4-22/dEngineering Mechanics II4 2-2-0 s
SaOA/B/3-12/dMaterial Science II. 15 2-0-2 s
SaOA/B/4-26/dBasics of Robotics5 2-2-0 s
SaOA/B/1-81/dFlexibility and Strength I5 2-0-2 s
SaOA/B/2-15/dBasics of electrotechnics and electronics  5 2-0-1 s
SaOA/B/4-05/dFundamentals of Numerical Mathematics and Statistics4 2-0-1 z
SaOA/B/3-21/dProduction and renovation technologies 1 5 2-0-2s
SaOA/B/4-27/dFlexibility and Strength II 5 2-2-0s
SaOA/B/4-45/dMachine Parts and Mechanisms I 4 2-2-0s
SaOA/B/4-35/dFluid mechanics 4 2-2-0s
SaOA/B/1-61/dCar Construction I 4 2-0-2s
SaOA/B/2-16/dDependability Vehicles 3 2-0-1z
SaOA/B/4-14/dFundamentals of labor and commercial law 2 0-1-0z
Compulsory optional subjects
SaOA/B/1-04/dForeign language I 12 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/1-05/dForeign language II 1 3 0-2-0s
Optional subjects
SaOA/B/2-03/dPsychology of management1 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/4-25/dSeminar of the foundations of Applied Mechanics1 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/1-06/dBusiness1 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/4-17/dPhysical education III1 0-0-2 z
SaOA/B/3-20/dFundamentals of engineering technology 1 0-1-1z
SaOA/B/4-18/dPhysical education IV 1 0-0-2z
SaOA/B/2-31/dService Experience 5 0-0-3z

 Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

III. YEaR SUBJECT AREA:  5.2.2. MAINTENANCE OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTStudy program: Vehicles Maintenance and Repair 

CodeCourse titleECTS CreditsNumber of hours per weekExamination
Compulsory subjects
SaOA/B/4-46/dMachine Parts and Mechanisms II3 2-1-0 s
SaOA/B/1-64/dCar Construction II5 2-0-2 s
SaOA/B/2-37/dManagement information systems of maintenance services5 2-0-1 s
SaOA/B/2-17/dCardiagnostics5 2-0-2 s
SaOA/B/2-39/dOrganization and technology of technical service5 2-0-2 s
SaOA/B/4-36/dThermomechanics2 2-1-0 z
SaOA/B/1-07/dEcology and Environment1 0-1-0 z
SaOA/B/2-50/dBachelor Project4 0-0-1 z
SaOA/B/2-36/dPremises Technology 3 2-0-1s
SaOA/B/2-26/dControl systems for motor vehicles 3 2-0-1s
SaOA/B/2-30/dComplex care 5 2-0-2s
SaOA/B/4-37/dFluid systems and components of cars and their maintenance 2 2-0-1z
SaOA/B/2-05/dMethods of management techniques 2 1-0-1z
SaOA/B/2-32/dAutomobile repairing 3 2-0-1s
SaOA/B/2-02/dBusiness Economics and maintenance 2 0-2-0z
SaOA/B/2-18/dElectronic systems in vehicles 2 1-0-1z
State examination subjects    s
SaOA/B/2-51/dBachelor thesis 6 0-0-2
SaOA/B/2-41/dOperation, maintenance and repair of cars 1  s
SaOA/B/2-40/dReliability and safety of cars 1  s
Optional subject
SaOA/B/4-19/dPhysical education V1 0-0-2 z
SaOA/B/2-04/dPersonal Management1 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/2-08/dAccounting1 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/2-09/dFinancial Management1 0-2-0 z
SaOA/B/3-13/dThermal treatment and surface finishing 12 2-0-1 z

Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language