Mehanizmi specijalne tehnike - Bakalár (Bc.) - part-time

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Informacije o studijskom programu:


Diplomci studijskog programa "Mehanizmi specijalne tehnike" imaju složena znanja o višoj matematici, fizici, hemiji i njihovim tehnološkim primenama. Oni upravljaju sistemima kontrole u ​​tehnologiji odbrane, upotrebi automatizacije i računarske tehnologije u oblasti tehničke pripreme proizvodnje, kontrole tehnoloških procesa i prijektovanja odbrambene tehnologije, projektovanja i izrade tehničke dokumentacije uz pomoć računarske tehnologije i CAD sistema. Diplomci znaju specifične materijale koji se koriste u dizajnu tehnologije odbrane, kao i odabrane tehnologije i tehnološke procedure u proizvodnji odbrambene tehnologije.

Diplomci studijskog programa "Mehanizmi specijalne tehnike" mogu se zaposliti u oblasti automatizacije sektora mašinstva i srodnih grana privrede koje implementiraju tehnologiju automatizacije u procesu planiranja, projektovanja, proizvodnje i primene tehnologije odbrane. Istovremeno, oni će moći da rade u oblasti kreiranja sistema uz upotrebu tehnologije automatizacije, informacionih tehnologija i robotike. Diplomci su takođe u mogućnosti da implementiraju i upravljaju proizvodnim sistemima i tehnologijama na pozicijama CAD / CAM tehnologa, projektanata proizvodnih instrumenata i delova tehnologije odbrane.

I. YEARSUBJECT AREA:5.2.1. ENGINEERINGStudy program: Mechanisms in Special Technology

CodeCourse titleECTS CreditsNumber of hours per weekExamination
Compulsory subjects
MŠT/B/4-01/eMathematics I7 3-2-0 s
MŠT/B/4-12/eFundamentals of Engineering Design5 2-2-0 s
MŠT/B/4-07/ePhysics I5 2-1-1 s
MŠT/B/3-99/eTechnical chemistry3 2-1-0 z
MŠT/B/1-01/eIntroduction to the Study of the University2 0-1-0 z
MŠT/B/1-02/eSafety of Technical Systems and Safety  at Work2 0-1-1 z
MŠT/B/4-02/eMathematics II 7 3-2-0s
MŠT/B/4-08/ePhysics II 5 2-1-1s
MŠT/B/4-11/eConstructive Geometry 4 2-1-0s
MŠT/B/1-21/eInformatics 2 0-0-2z
MŠT/B/4-55/eComputer-assisted Design I 3 0-0-2z
MŠT/B/1-03/eHistory of techniques 2 0-1-0z
Optional subjects
MŠT/B/4-03/eIntroduction to university mathematics1 0-2-0 z
MŠT/B/4-09/eIntroduction to College Physics1 0-2-0 z
MŠT/B/4-13/eSeminar in Technical Documentation1 0-2-0 z
MŠT/B/4-04/eMathematics in solved exercises 1 0-2-0z
MŠT/B/4-10/ePhysics in solved problems 1 0-2-0z

Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

II. YEARSUBJECT AREA:5.2.1. ENGINEERINGStudy program: Mechanisms in Special Technology

CodeCourse titleECTS CreditsNumber of hours per weekExamination
Compulsory subjects
MŠT/B/3-11/eMaterial Science I 16 2-0-2 s
MŠT/B/4-21/eEngineering Mechanics I5 2-2-0 s
MŠT/B/1-30/eBasics of Robotics5 2-0-2 s
MŠT/B/4-05/eFundamentals of Numerical Mathematics and Statistics  4 2-0-1 z
MŠT/B/1-22/eApplied Informatics 2 0-0-2 z
MŠT/B/3-21/eProduction and renovation technologies 1 5 2-0-2s
MŠT/B/3-12/eMaterial Science II. 1 5 2-0-2s
MŠT/B/4-22/eEngineering Mechanics II 4 2-2-0s
MŠT/B/4-26/eFlexibility and Strength I 5 2-2-0s
MŠT/B/2-01/eEconomics and production management 2 0-2-0z
Compulsory optional subjects
MŠT/B/1-04/eForeign language I2 0-2-0 z
MŠT/B/1-05/eForeign language II 3 0-2-0s
Povinnosť získať minimálne23kredit  
Optional subjects
MŠT/B/2-03/ePsychology of management1 0-2-0 z
MŠT/B/4-24/eSeminar of the foundations of Applied Mechanics1 0-2-0 z
MŠT/B/1-06/eBusiness 1 0-2-0z
MŠT/B/4-25/eSeminar of the foundations of Applied Mechanics 1 0-2-0z
MŠT/B/3-20/eFundamentals of engineering technology 1 0-2-0z
MŠT/B/3-35/ePractical training in production and renovation technologies 1 3 0-0-3z

 Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

III. YEAR  SUBJECT AREA:5.2.1. ENGINEERINGStudy program: Mechanisms in Special Technology 

CodeCourse titleECTS CreditsNumber of hours per weekExamination
Compulsory subjects
MŠT/B/3-24/eModern technological methods of machine production and assembly4 2-0-1 s
MŠT/B/4-27/eFlexibility and Strength II5 2-2-0 s
MŠT/B/4-45/eMachine Parts and Mechanisms I4 2-2-0 s
MŠT/B/4-35/eFluid mechanics4 2-2-0 s
MŠT/B/1-81/eBasics of electrotechnics and electronics  5 2-0-2 s
MŠT/B/1-07/eEcology and Environment1 0-1-0 z
MŠT/B/4-46/eMachine Parts and Mechanisms II 3 2-1-0s
MŠT/B/3-40/eEngineering metrology 1 3 2-0-2s
MŠT/B/2-19/eCA design in engineering 5 2-0-2s
MŠT/B/1-23/eComputer modeling equipment and processes    5 2-0-2s
MŠT/B/4-14/eFundamentals of labor and commercial law 2 0-1-0z
MŠT/B/4-36/eThermomechanics  2 2-1-0z
MŠT/B/1-84/eTechnical Cybernetics 2 1-0-1z
MŠT/B/3-22/eQuality of mechanical engineering production and production devices 1 2 2-1-0z
Optional subjects
MŠT/B/2-04/ePersonal Management1 0-2-0 z
MŠT/B/1-63/eMobile technology5 2-0-2 s

Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

IV. YEAR  SUBJECT AREA:5.2.1. ENGINEERINGStudy program: Mechanisms in Special Technology 

CodeCourse titleECTS CreditsNumber of hours per weekExamination
Compulsory subjects
MŠT/B/1-82/eOptical and optoelectronic devices 14 2-0-1 s
MŠT/B/1-24/eControl systems I 17 2-2-0 s
MŠT/B/3-50/eCNC programming systems 14 2-0-2 s
MŠT/B/4-47/eProject in design of machine parts and mechanisms2 0-0-1 z
MŠT/B/1-08/eBachelor Project4 0-0-1 z
MŠT/B/1-25/eControl systems II 1 6 2-2-0s
MŠT/B/1-83/eElectrical and electronic measurements 3 0-2-2z
State Examination Subjects    šs
MŠT/B/1-09/eBachelor thesis 6 0-0-2
MŠT/B/1-31/eControl systems of machines and mechanisms 1  šs
MŠT/B/4-49/eParts and mechanisms of machinery and equipment 1  šs

Examination:z - credit s - exam, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language