Tehnologija materijala - Bakalár (Bc.) - full-time

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Informacije o studijskom programu:

Studijski program Tehnologije materijala fokusira se na formiranje diplomaca osnovnih studija koji su specijalizovani za kreativni rad u oblasti proizvodne tehnologije materijala, optimalne upotrebe osobina materijala, kontrolu kvaliteta materijala i obrađivanje kroz savremene tehnološke metode.

Studenti koji završe prvi nivo studijske discipline 5.2.26 Materijali i studijski program iz oblasti Tehnologije materijala stiču osnovna znanja iz oblasti proizvodnje, testiranja, tehnološke obrade, selekcije i degradacije svojstava glavnih kategorija tehnoloških materijala. Diplomci će steći znanja o hemijskom sastavu metalnih i nemetalnih materijala. Diplomci su kvalifikovani za rad u industrijskim preduzećima u oblasti tehnološke proizvodnje materijala, njihove tehnološke obrade u poluproizvode i proizvode, kao i u oblastima kontrole kvaliteta i nabavke, zajedno sa servisiranjem i održavanjem. U mogućnosti su da rade kao članovi dizajnerskih timova, pojedinačno rešavaju tehnološka pitanja i održavaju kontakte s razvojem tehnologije u oblasti tehnoloških materijala.

Mogućnosti za dalje studije: Mogućnost studiranja na Master nivou studijskog programa Inženjerstvo materijala i disciplini br. 5.2.26 Materijali ili srodnim studijskim disciplinama.

1st academic year – the 1st degree of study (Bachelor’s degree), full-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Material Technology 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
MT-P-1Mathematics I5 2/2/0 
MT-P-2Inorganic Chemistry of Materials6 2/2/2 
MT-P-3Technical Documentation5 2/0/2 
MT-P-4Material Science I6 2/2/2 
MT-P-5Information Science I2 0/0/2 
MT-P-6Occupational Health and Safety2 2/0/0 
MT-P-7English Language I2 0/2/0 
MT-P-8Mathematics II 5 2/2/0
MT-P-9Physics I 5 2/1/2
MT-P-10Materials Processing Technology I 5 2/0/2
MT-P-11Experimental Methods in Material Engineering I 4 2/0/2
MT-P-12Steels and Cast Irons 5 2/2/0
MT-P-13Information Science II 2 0/0/2
MT-P-14English Language II 2 0/2/0
Optional subjects 
MT-PV-1English Language Conversation I2 0/2/0 
MT-PV-2Seminar in Mathematics I2 0/2/0 
MT-PV-3Seminar in Mathematics II 2 0/2/0
MT-PV-4Seminar Physics I 2 0/2/0
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum22Credits

 * L – Lectures, S - Seminars, Lt – Laboratory tutorials

2nd academic year – the 1st degree of study (Bachelor’s degree), full-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Material Technology 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
3rd4th 3rd 4th 
MT-P-15Mechanics of Solid Bodies I5 2/2/0 
MT-P-16Physics II6 2/1/2 
MT-P-17Organic Chemistry of Materials6 2/2/2 
MT-P-18CAD CAM I2 0/0/2 
MT-P-19Non-ferrous Metals and Their Alloys3 2/1/0 
MT-P-20Experimental Methods in Material Engineering II4 2/0/2 
MT-P-21English Language III2 0/2/0 
MT-P-22Mechanics of Solid Bodies II 5 2/2/0
MT-P-23Materials Processing Technology II 5 2/0/2
MT-P-24Technology of Production and Elaboration of Inorganic Materials 5 2/0/2
MT-P-25Nonmetallic Materials 5 2/2/0
MT-P-26Utility Properties and Materials Design 4 2/2/0
MT-P-27CAD CAM II 2 0/0/2
MT-P-28English Language IV 2 0/2/0
Optional subjects 
MT-PV-5Seminar in Mechanics of Solid Bodies I2 0/2/0 
MT-PV-6Seminar Physics II2 0/2/0 
MT-PV-7Corporate Management2 2/0/0 
MT-PV-8Seminar in Mechanics of Solid Bodies II 2 0/2/0
MT-PV-9Corporate Finances 2 2/0/0
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum22Credits

3rd academic year – the 1st degree of study (Bachelor’s degree), full-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Material Technology 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
5th6th 5th 6th 
MT-P-29Material Science II5 2/2/0 
MT-P-30Mechanics of Solid Bodies III5 2/2/0 
MT-P-31Scientific Literature and Information2 0/2/0 
MT-P-32Mechanical Tests of Materials4 2/0/2 
MT-P-33Optimization of Material Properties in Technological Practice5 2/2/0 
MT-P-34Methods of Structural Analysis5 2/0/2 
MT-P-35Operation Diagnostics and Defectoscopy 5 2/0/2
MT-P-36Composites 4 2/1/0
MT-P-37Failure Analysis and Prevention 4 2/2/0
MT-P-38Bachelor Seminar 5 0/0/5
Optional subjects 
MT-PV-10Technical Translation2 0/2/0 
MT-PV-11Industrial System Management2 2/0/0 
MT-PV-12Environmental Engineering2 2/0/0 
MT-PV-13Powder Metallurgy 2 2/0/0
MT-PV-14Corporate Economy 2 2/0/0
MT-PV-15Technology of Production and Processing of Polymeric Materials 2 2/0/0
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum42Credits

Final state exam
Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsLectures
MT-P-39Defence of Bachelor Project10