Materijali - PhD. - part-time

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Informacije o studijskom programu:

Cilj trećeg nivoa visokog obrazovanja, studijski program Materijali je formiranje profesionalaca koji imaju široko poznavanje u oblasti fizičko-hemijskih osobina materijala, njihove dijagnostike i računarske simulacije njihovih fizičkih svojstava.

Diplomci doktorskih studija upravljaju nezavisnim tehnikama rešavanja problema koji se bave širokim spektrom građevinskih materijala i mogu predvideti njihova svojstva tokom upotrebe. Oni će biti u mogućnosti da nastupaju kao nezavisni članovi naučnih timova, a kasnije, nakon što se bolje upoznaju sa prirodom svog rada, upravljaju i aktivnostima razvojnih timova. 

Oni će biti punovažni članovi istraživačkih instituta, univerziteta, i na najvišim rukovodećim pozicijama kompanija koje su usredsređene na metalne i nemetalne materijale, tanke slojeve, dijagnostiku i testiranje.

1st academic year – the 3rd degree of study (PhD. degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Materials 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
M-P-1Materials Science8 2/2/0 
M-P-3Physics of Solid Substances 8 2/2/0
Optional subjects 
M-PV-1Technology of Production of Thin Layers and Coatings8 2/2/0 
M-PV-2Chemistry of Materials 18 2/2/0 
M-PV-3Material Diagnostics8 2/2/0 
M-PV-4Applied Mathematics 8 2/2/0
M-PV-5Applied Chemistry 8 2/2/0
M-PV-6Applied Mechanics 8 2/2/0
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum1616Credits

 * L – Lectures, S - Seminars, Lt – Laboratory tutorials, 1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

2nd academic year – the 3rd degree of study (PhD. degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Materials 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
3rd4th 3rd 4th 
M-P-5English Language8 0/4/0 
M-P-2Individual Study of Specialized Literature I 16 -/-/- 
M-P-7Scientific Activity II 112 -/-/- 
M-P-4Individual Study of Specialized Literature II Initiates file download1 6 -/-/-
M-P-11Scientific Activity III 1 16 -/-/-

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

3rd academic year – the 3rd degree of study (PhD. degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Materials 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
5th6th 5th 6th 
M-P-8Dissertation Project I 16 0/0/4 
M-P-13Scientific Activity V 1 18 -/-/-

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

Dissertation Examination 

Dissertation Examination – 24 Credits
Course unit codeSubjectsCreditsCredits
Compulsory subjects
M-P-9Defense of Written Work for Dissertation Examination 112 
M-P-10Selected Chapters from Materials Science 14 
Optional subjects I
M-PV-7Selected Chapters from Technology of Production of Thin Layers and Coatings4 
M-PV-8Selected Chapters from Chemistry of Materials4 
M-PV-9Selected Chapters from Material Diagnostics4 
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum4Credits
Optional subjects II
M-PV-10Selected Chapters from Applied Mathematics4 
M-PV-11Selected Chapters from Applied  Chemistry4 
M-PV-12Selected Chapters from Applied Mechanics4 
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum4Credits

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

4th academic year – the 3rd degree of study (PhD. degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Materials 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
7th8th 7th 8th 
M-P-6Scientific Activity I 110 -/-/- 
M-P-12Scientific Activity IV 114  -/-/- 
M-P-14Scientific Activity VI 1 12 -/-/-
M-P-15Scientific Activity VII 1 12 -/-/-

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

5th academic year – the 3rd degree of study (PhD. degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Materials 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
9th10th 9th 10th 
M-P-16Dissertation Project II 118  0/0/8 
Summaries18 0/0/8 

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language

Final state exam
Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsLectures
M-P-17Dissertation Defense 130 

1 Lectured in English and Slovak language