Inženjerstvo materijala - Inžinier (Ing.) - part-time

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Osnovni kriterijumi za prijem u studijski program II nivoa materijala su završetak studijskog programa u Tehnologiji materijala ili sličnog studijskog programa na nivou I.

Informacije o studijskom programu:

Studijski program iz oblasti Inženjerstva materijala, studijska disciplina 5.2.26 Materijali, fokusira se na formiranje potpuno pripremljenih tehničkih stručnjaka specijalizovanih za kreativni rad u oblasti proizvodnih tehnologija, optimalnog rešenja upotrebnih karakteristika materijala, kontrole kvaliteta i obrade materijala pomoću modernih tehnoloških pristupa. Diplomci stiču znanja iz oblasti hemijskog sastava i strukture metalnih i nemetalnih vrsta materijala, zajedno sa osnovnim znanjem u proizvodnji, testiranju, tehnološkoj obradi, selekciji glavnih karakteristika tipova tehnoloških materijala i njihovoj degradaciji. Diplomci će moći samostalno da sprovode naučno-istraživačke aktivnosti u istraživačkim institutima i laboratorijama za istraživanje materijala. Oni će biti spremni samostalno da se suoče sa tehnološkim problemima. Diplomci će naći zaposlenje i na odeljenjima posvećenim dizajnu proizvodnih instrumenata ili proizvoda. 

Diplomci nivoa 2, studijske discipline Materijali, studijskog programa iz Inženjerstva materijala pripremljeni su da rade uglavnom u industrijskim preduzećima industrijskog materijala, kao i u oblasti industrijskog inženjerstva, proizvodnih i tehnoloških procesa i u procesima upravljanja proizvodnjom.    Diplomci takođe mogu da nađu posao kao proizvodni tehnolozi ili da rukovode radnicima koji su angažovani na projektovanju i upravljanju industrijskim tehnološkim procesima pogodnim za životnu sredinu, tehnologijama ekoloških materijala, potrošačkih proizvoda i tehnoloških usluga.  Takođe se mogu zaposliti u osnovnim istraživanjima i razvoju novih materijala, istraživanju fizičkih osobina materijala, kao i na razvoju novih dijagnostičkih metoda, inovativnim procesima, implementaciji održivih tehnologija uz minimalnu potrošnju sirovina i procese bez otpada . (složena obrada ulaznih sirovina).

Mogućnosti za dalje studije: Mogućnost studiranja na nivou doktora u studijskom programu materijala i discipline br. 5.2.26 Materijali ili srodnim studijskim disciplinama.

1st academic year – the 2nd degree of study (Engineering degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Material Engineering 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
MI-I-P-1Engineering Materials4 2/1/0 
MI-I-P-2Computer Modelling in Materials Engineering I5 1/0/3 
MI-I-P-3Polymeric Materials7 2/1/3 
MI-I-P-5Applicated Inorganic Chemistry in Material Engineering3 2/1/0 
MI-I-P-6Environmental Engineering3 2/1/0 
MI-I-P-8Applied Organic Chemistry in Material Engineering 4 2/1/0
MI-I-P-9Computer Modelling in Materials Engineering II 5 1/0/3
MI-I-P-12Technical English 2 0/2/0
Optional subjects  I
MI-I-PV-1AMaterial Diagnostics 6 2/2/0
MI-I-PV-2AFracture Mechanics 5 2/2/0
MI-I-PV-3BGlass Technology 6 2/1/2
MI-I-PV-4BTechnical Mineralogy and Crystallography 5 2/1/0
MI-I-PV-5CDPolymeric Material Analysis 6 2/1/2
MI-I-PV-6CTreatment and Use of Polymeric Materials 5 2/2/0
MI-I-PV-7DTechnical Textiles 5 2/2/0
MI-I-PV-8EEnvironmental Impact Assessment of Industrial Technologies 6 2/1/2
MI-I-PV-9EEnergetics and Environment 5 2/2/0
MI-I-PV-10FInput Parameters to Computational Modeling 5 2/0/2
MI-I-PV-11FComputer Modelling of Solid Body Systems I 6 2/0/3
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum 11Credits
Optional subjects  II
MI-I-V-1Numerical Methods 2 2/0/0
MI-I-V-2Environmental Legislation 2 2/0/0
MI-I-V-3Integrated Management 2 2/0/0
MI-I-V-4Testing Methods and Certifications 2 0/2/0
MI-I-V-5Dimensioning of Polymer-made Products 2 2/0/0
MI-I-V-6Machines and Equipment for the Production of Silicate Materials 2 2/0/0
MI-I-V-7Machine and Equipment for the Processing of Plastics and Rubber 2 2/0/0
MI-I-V-8Modern Methods of Computational Modeling 2 0/0/2
MI-I-V-9Technologies of Polymeric Materials in Industrial Practice (excursions) 2 0/0/2
MI-I-V-10Technologies of Inorganic Materials in Industrial Practice (excursions) 2 0/0/2
MI-I-V-11Environmental Engineering in Industrial Practice (excursions) 2 0/0/2
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum 2Credits

Module A (Physical Engineering Materials - Metals)
Module B (Inorganic Materials)
Module C (Polymeric Materials - Rubber, Plastic)
Module D (Textile Materials)
Module E (Environmental Engineering)
Module F (
Computer-assisted Material Engineering)

2nd academic year – the 2nd degree of study (Engineering degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Material Engineering 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
3rd4th 3rd 4th 
MI-I-P-13Microscopic Methods of Structure Evaluation4 1/1/2 
MI-I-P-14Recycling Technologies4 2/1/0 
MI-I-P-4Experimental Methods of Material Characteristics6 2/0/3 
MI-I-P-21Corporate Management2 2/0/0 
MI-I-P-7Project CAD CAM 2 0/0/2
MI-I-P-10Physics of Solid Substances and Polymers 3 2/0/0
MI-I-P-11Statistical Methods for Experiments 3 2/1/0
MI-I-P-22Corrosion of Materials and Corrosion Protection 4 2/0/2
Optional subjects  I
MI-I-PV-12ADegradation Processes and Prediction of Life4 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-14BSilicate Engineering4 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-17CRubber Technology4 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-18DTextile and Clothing Technology4 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-21EToxicology and High-risk Characteristic of Materials4 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-22FComputer Modelling of Solid Body Systems II4 1/0/2 
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum4 Credits
Optional subjects  II
MI-I-V-12Advanced Materials and Technologies2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-13Planned Experiment2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-14Social and Work Psychology2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-15Basic Biochemistry2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-16Environment Technology2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-17Logistics2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-18Textile Materials Colour Science2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-19Testing and Certification of Rubber Products2 2/0/0 
MI-I-V-20Optimisation of Mechanical Systems2 2/0/0 
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum2 Credits

 Module A (Physical Engineering Materials - Metals)
Module B (Inorganic Materials)
Module C (Polymeric Materials - Rubber, Plastic)
Module D (Textile Materials)
Module E (Environmental Engineering)
Module F (
Computer-assisted Material Engineering)

3rd academic year – the 2nd degree of study (Engineering degree), part-time form of studyStudy Discipline:  5.2.26 MaterialsStudy Programme:  Material Engineering 

Course unit codeCompulsory subjectsCreditsHours / week  L/S/Lt*
5th6th 5th 6th 
MI-I-P-15Ceramic Materials6 2/1/3 
MI-I-P-17Pre-Diploma Seminar2 0/2/0 
MI-I-P-18Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials3 2/0/0 
MI-I-P-16Business Law2 2/0/0 
MI-I-P-19Diploma Thesis Seminar 5 0/0/5
MI-I-P-20Advanced Composite Materials 3 2/1/0
Optional subjects  I
MI-I-PV-13ASurface Engineering3 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-15BTechnology of Special Inorganic Materials3 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-16CModification of Polymeric Systems3 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-19DCommodity Science3 0/2/0 
MI-I-PV-20ESustainable Development3 2/1/0 
MI-I-PV-23FExperimental Modal Analysis3 1/0/2 
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum3 Credits

 Module A (Physical Engineering Materials - Metals)
Module B (Inorganic Materials)
Module C (Polymeric Materials - Rubber, Plastic)
Module D (Textile Materials)
Module E (Environmental Engineering)
Module F (
Computer-assisted Material Engineering)

 Final state exam
Course unit codeSubjectsCredits
Compulsory subjects
MI-I-P-23Defence of Diploma Theses10
MI-I-P-24Selected Chapters from Experimental Methods of Material Characteristics2
 Optional subjects 
MI-I-PV-25Selected Chapters from Engineering Materials2
MI-I-PV-26Selected chapters from Microscopic Methods of Structure Evaluation2
MI-I-PV-27Selected Chapters from Degradation Processes and Prediction of Life2
MI-I-PV-28Selected Chapters from Material Diagnostics2
MI-I-PV-29Selected Chapters from Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials2
MI-I-PV-30Selected Chapters from Advanced Composite Materials2
MI-I-PV-31Selected Chapters from Corrosion of Materials and Corrosion Protection2
MI-I-PV-32Selected Chapters from Polymeric Materials2
MI-I-PV-33Selected Chapters from Rubber Technology2
MI-I-PV-34Selected Chapters from Polymeric Material Analysis2
MI-I-PV-35Selected Chapters from Textile and Clothing Technology2
MI-I-PV-36Selected Chapters from Applicated  Inorganic Chemistry in Material Engineering2
MI-I-PV-37Selected Chapters from Ceramic Materials2
MI-I-PV-38Selected Chapters from Technology of Special Inorganic Materials2
MI-I-PV-39Selected Chapters from Silicate Engineering2
MI-I-PV-40Selected Chapters from Glass Technology2
MI-I-PV-41Selected Chapters from Technical Mineralogy and Crystallography2
MI-I-PV-42Selected Chapters from Environmental Engineering2
MI-I-PV-43Selected Chapters from Recycling Technologies2
MI-I-PV-44Selected Chapters from Energetics and Environment2
MI-I-PV-45Selected Chapters from the Sustainable Development2
MI-I-PV-46Selected Chapters from Computer Modelling in Materials engineering 2
MI-I-PV-47Selected Chapters from Computer Modelling of Solid Body Systems2
MI-I-PV-48Selected Chapters from Experimental Modal Analysis2
Number of credits which are necessary to be obtained in minimum4