Third-country students who are planning to stay in Slovakia for more than 90 days have to request
a temporary stay for study purposes. The application is submitted personally either abroad at the Slovak
Embassy /Consulate territorially competent for the foreign country or in Slovakia at the relevant foreigners' police department.
The applicant shall provide:
- Filled „Žiadosť o udelenie prechodného pobytu" (which means Request for a Temporary Stay; it must be filled out in Slovak);
- 2 current face photos 3 x 3.5 cm;
- a valid travel document (only for viewing);
- a document proving the purpose of the stay - confirmation of the school on admission to study (in Slovak);
- a document in the Slovak language proving sufficient financial security during the stay - a statement of the balance on the bank account held in the name of the third-country national;
- Extract from the Criminal Record, apostilled or superlegalised, from the country of residence of the foreigner and from every country where the foreigner has stayed for more than 90 days in the last 3 years during 6 consecutive months; each extract must be subsequently officially translated into Slovak by Slovak court translator (list of court translators can be found at ); - Foreigners who are going to study at college do not provide accommodation.
None of these documents may be older than 90 days.
Fees: EUR 4.50 for issuing a residence card
The personnel of the foreigners' police department communicate exclusively in Slovak. Therefore, we recommend those who do not speak Slovak to come to the foreigners' police department in the company of someone who does speak Slovak.
Address of the Foreigners' police department in Trenčín:
Odbor cudzineckej polície Trenčín
Jilemnického 2, Trenčín 911 01
Tel: +421-96120-3233
Fax: +421-96120-3209
If a temporary residence permit is granted, within 30 days of the receipt of the residence document, it is necessary to provide the foreign police department with a proof of medical examination confirming that the person concerned does not suffer from a disease threatening public health. . The proof of health check must not be older than 30 days and can only be obtained in selected Slovak
healthcare facilities.